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We’ve Only Just Begun! Your Brand Journey Started Here!

We’ve Only Just Begun, or so the song says… (suggest you click the video while you read this post, or as you are answering the assignment) https://youtu.be/uaqoQr-aCtQ Just like Neo in the movie Matrix, you should have realized that the world is not as simple as we thought it was. Watch this... https://youtu.be/zE7PKRjrid4 Unfortunately no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to experience it. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. There is no turning back. You take the blue pill and the story

A Marketing Plan for Life

Who is the most important brand? You: the brand with your name on it! What is the most important business plan? Your life: which includes your family, your work, your profession, your dreams and goals. Why not use proven business and marketing principles to make brand YOU be the leading brand in your field! In 2009, I noted the 12 principles from the 2005 book: "A Marketing Plan for Life: 12 Essential Business Principles to Create Meaning, Happiness, and True Success by Robert Michael Fried. Define Business- Who Am I? Assess Market-

Join PIPOL Primus InterPares On Line

One of the real, life-long and possibly transformative benefits of starting an MBA with the Ateneo is the lifetime access to a premium network of like-minded fully employed professionals who share the journey of improvement and passion to serve with you. I strongly believe that these network will be useful or everyone at least once in their professional lives. If it does, then it is worth being part of it. First Among Equals! To support this, I initiated an on-line Facebook group in 2010 that has grown to almost 400

Create Your Future with 20 Year Hyper Marketing Plans

The World's Most Important Brand Has Your Name on It. It Makes Sense to Use Marketing Principles to Increase the Value or Equity of Your Personal Brand. Create Your Brand's Successful Future by Developing and Using a Vision Driven 20 Year Personal Marketing Plan This is the Video-based Student Guide to Creating the High Performance Highly Personal Hyperlinked Marketing Plan. https://youtu.be/aElIyvqxiiI Below is my 20 Year Highly Personal High Performance Hyperlinked Marketing Plans as of Nov 2020 Shared as a sample to MBA Students for creating their own 20 Year Hyper3.0 Plans. https://youtu.be/e5Tt_BHK3KA If

My Personal Testimony on Proper Breathing with Jac Vidgen

"When the Student is Ready, the Teacher will Appear." #health #breathe #transform I was fortunate to have learned and experience a way to improve health through proper breathing. We take more than 20,000 breaths a day, so it is not surprising that doing this better would make a significant and lasting life impact. And when we learn or experience something good, we share freely and willingly especially to our friends and loved ones. That is a natural human tendency that is further enhanced by the digital world we live in.

4-7-8 Breathe to Heal and “Open Doors from the Inside”

https://youtu.be/4Lb5L-VEm34 Some doors open only from the inside."Last statement of Max Storm in this 2015 Ted Talk that had 2.2 M views as of Nov 2020 Video description: With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it's time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day. Max Strom,who has taught breath-work for 20 years, reveals his insights into the healing power of the breath. Max Strom teaches personal transformation, mindfulness, and yoga worldwide and is

Day 1: Adaptive Design Learning during Corona

After months of learning and applying Adaptive Design Learning concepts, a new dawn begins. The old world has gone, disrupted by the pandemic. The new road to Excellence in Learning is the only way forwrd. Get ready for your Enhanced Learning Experience! Click below to get links to materials you need to read/ watch before our first session! https://padlet.com/rdeungria/5hfy68oavyji68dg