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Digital Marketing

The topics listed in this page are chapters of Marketing 4.0: Moving From Traditional to Digital by Marketing Guru, Philip Kotler (see book cover above ).

This serves as the official 24/7 reference for the marketing classes at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business of Coach Z, Prof. Bong De Ungria.

The Z (End in Mind) is for this page to serve as a quick, permanent, and useful reference for past, present and future students of Marketing.

The Y (Reason Why) is that Marketing is useful and can help brands and companies succeed only if the basic principles are clear, easy to reference, so it can be applied.

X (Do Not) is to Do it Alone

W (What, When, How) is to Build the System and Standard of Excellence with Primus Inter Pares MBA students who Coach Z has had the privilege to serve in Markma. This is a real-life application of marketing!

Part I: Fundamental Trends Shaping Marketing (Redefining Marketing in the Digital Economy)
1 Power Shifts to the Connected Customer
2 Paradoxes of Connected Customers
3 Influential Digital Subcultures that are 3 Keys to the Digital Economy: Youth, Women and Netizens
4 Redefining Marketing in the Digital Economy
Part II: New Frameworks for Marketing in the Digital Economy
5 The New Customer Path
6 Marketing Productivity Metrics
7 Industry Archetypes and Best Practices
Part III- Tactical Marketing Applications in the Digital Economy
8 Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction
9 Content Marketing for Brand Curiosity
10 Omnichannel Marketing for Brand Commitment
11 Engagement Marketing for Brand Affinity
12 Getting to WOW