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Marketing’s operating definition includes: “Creating, Communicating and Delivering the Value”…

This is a sincere, and necessary effort to communicate the value of the course design which is based on the latest best-practices on adult course design. The best practices didnt mention to communicate the value, and this may result to unnecessary pain or fear. Also, some students get easily bored when the admin stuff is being discussed because they want to go to the content right away.

The result? Please watch this video to help see you go beyond what you can see right now…

Watch all or part of this 18 min video on Youtube!

Statistics below may be very interesting to you. To find out what these mean, watch the Youtube Video!

Grade data are from 2 Regis Classes and 2 Standard MBA classes in 2023 covering 94 students.

Table shows that the cut-off for grade of 4.0 was adjusted depending on the class average and performance, but generally this was around 92.0 to 93.5. This is lower than the official cut-off for 96.5 per school grade system. This allows the professor to make a judgment based on class performance vs. requirements. Bottomline, grading is relative and not absolute. You are rated vs. your peers in the class who had the same class conditions, activities as you had.

Key insight is that 52% of the class earned a grade of 4.0 while another 24% earned a grade of 3.5. Thus, 76% of the class performs well vs. the total course design.

Other insight is that 24% had challenges or constraints that prevented them from performing the same way as the majority. But that is ok and that is real life.

As a matter of fairness and principle, I dont give extra or make-up work to students. When there are valid reasons, I do give extra time to submit what everybody needs and sometimes, waive or reduce late penalties.

There is also a 10% grade on class participation that is not reflected on canvas grading platform which I use on final grading.

Finally, the course activities are designed for the 100% of the class using Adult Learning Principles that ZCoach is well trained and experienced on. Adults learn on 8 multiple intelligences and 1 approach may be the favorite of a majority but may be a bummer for a small segment. Thus, there needs to be multiple type of activities (intelligences) built into the cours.e

Trust the process, trust your ZCoach. The objective is no one is left behind in the Z of becoming the best version of you, regardless of your personal circumstances.

Below is Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning which explains why we have different activities instead of just 1 type. The higher up, the more learning there is. So the highest is CREATE, and we have a lot of that. While CREATE, EVALUATE, ANALYZE are exciting and hands-on activities, the base of learning is still remembering and understanding the basic fundamentals of marketing as a technical language. There are terms and concepts in marketing which are different from how we use these in everyday language and the use of Kotler book as the framework for this learning is a crucial prerequisite and a necessary foundation for the other activities.

Synchronous time is only 25 to 33% of the total learning time. Part of this limited sync time is used by ZCoach to ensure that when you are alone or in groups during your async time, you are already well guided.

What is your pain point? Based on feedback and personal experience from handling 99 classes over the past 29 years, these are typical discomforts:

Learning only happens when you are outside your comfort zone. If you are feeling discomfort in some of the activities, then as long as you overcome the fear, then you are learning and growing. Dont stop at the Fear zone.

The Z is that by the end of this Markma Class and your MBA journey, you became a better person and leader from the experience. It wont be easy but it will be worth it. Absolutely!