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Crazy Runs: Bucket List or Bakit List?

Watch the first 2 minutes of the Youtube video where I first encountered this quote... https://youtu.be/9tsIYhnRw7k?si=X5t4Pdrv35OVplCN One Wild and Precious Life. Watch On Youtube I am Crazy. In my own way. But I am not alone. And I am not yet finished. I have just one wild and precious life and I will not waste it inside my comfort zone. I am an ULTRA marathoner ie. a crazy, slow, runner who somehow finds enjoyment in running 50km and above. I am one of 991 active Filipino ultramarathoners as per an international ultramarathon register. On

42  Running Tips From a Couch Potato to Marathoner to Fun Runner

First 11 Life Lessons from Marathons In October 2016, the life lessons I learned from running my first marathon were more transformative than what I learned from my 13 years of college and post graduate studies. Below is an initial list of what I learned when I ran my first marathon in 2016, 103 days after getting off my couch, purchasing my first running shoe in 35 years. I was then 51 years old, newly retired from my corporate world, experiencing what some would label as a mid-life crisis, suddenly inspired by

Sino Ba si Sinovac? Understanding the vaccine in my arm

First, I have been vaccinated with Sinovac last April 8 I followed medical opinion that the best vaccine is the vaccine in your arm. Biased? Perhaps. Sure? No such thing as 100%. But what is the science about Sinovac? I am no expert but I have consolidated information that may prove useful to you and your loved ones. So here they are... I intentionally left the url link in the photos so you can assess the reliability of the source: I wont even attempt to translate them in my

I Heard. I Persisted. I Got Vaccinated. A Covid Vaccination Story

As a person with comorbidity (hypertension), I  applied for a vaccination schedule last April 3. I found an error in my application and corrected it on April 7. I got a schedule for April 8. I was vaccinated with sinovac in a QC public school today April 8. My 2nd dose is scheduled on May 6. This is my story. The ZYX of my vaccination story: Z (Outcome)- So that people who are qualified to be vaccinated will be able to do so as quickly and as easily as possible Y (Reason why)-

4-7-8 Breathe to Heal and “Open Doors from the Inside”

https://youtu.be/4Lb5L-VEm34 Some doors open only from the inside."Last statement of Max Storm in this 2015 Ted Talk that had 2.2 M views as of Nov 2020 Video description: With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it's time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day. Max Strom,who has taught breath-work for 20 years, reveals his insights into the healing power of the breath. Max Strom teaches personal transformation, mindfulness, and yoga worldwide and is