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Some doors open only from the inside.”

Last statement of Max Storm in this 2015 Ted Talk that had 2.2 M views as of Nov 2020

Video description:

With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it’s time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day. Max Strom,who has taught breath-work for 20 years, reveals his insights into the healing power of the breath.

Max Strom teaches personal transformation, mindfulness, and yoga worldwide and is known for inspiring and impacting the lives of his students. His Inner Axis method addresses the internal aspects of our life and our potential for physical and emotional healing.

He is the author of “A Life Worth Breathing,” and, “There is No App for Happiness.” This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

My comment on the video: “Good concise talk. Thank you. In his 4-7-8 exercise near the end of the Ted Talk, he clearly breathed in and out with his mouth open. He mentioned that this is consistent with yoga methods and the exercises from Dr. Andrew Weil. Not sure if he believes in the breathe in and out only through nose.”

The 4 inhale 7 hold 8 exhale exercise is easy to do. It works because it effectively reduces the breathing rate, keeps the carbon dioxide longer and thus enhances health. But I still believe that all this should be done with the mouth closed.