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“When the Student is Ready, the Teacher will Appear.” #health #breathe #transform

I was fortunate to have learned and experience a way to improve health through proper breathing. We take more than 20,000 breaths a day, so it is not surprising that doing this better would make a significant and lasting life impact.

And when we learn or experience something good, we share freely and willingly especially to our friends and loved ones. That is a natural human tendency that is further enhanced by the digital world we live in. A video shared on Youtube and posted on Facebook has the potential to reach and help people around the world.

My life was transformed positively when I learned a scientific breathing technique from Jac Vidgen who may have been the only person in the Philippines conducting breathing classes. Jac was interviewed as a resource expert in many local and international TV shows. Some of these are:

Jac Vidgen interview on Star TV Asia
Jac Vidgen nterview in ANC News
Jac Vidgen interview with Cory Quirino

Given the multitude of health challenges I experienced for decades due to improper breathing, I was an eager and diligent student. And I did the work to get my health better. Was it easy, no! Was it worth it? Absolutely!

So when Jac asked me to share my testimony, I was more than happy to do so. As of this writing, it had around 2,400 views. We would have wanted more, but if there is even a 2% success rate on these views, then we would have helped around 48 people have better lives without medicine, with no equipment and what if they also shared the story.

Here is my video with Jac. No practice, no elaborate camera set-ups but all true.

It is not surprising that there is no unanimous agreement on what proper breathing should be. But that should not prevent us from exploring and understanding what is best for us. As an analogy, there is no universal agreement on what a healthy diet should be- there are those who believe in low-carb, other push low-fat, there are vegans and there are those who are healthy carnivores and each group has tons of scientific evidence and thousands of people who claim that the results are real. But if one wants to improve their health thru diet, then one must choose which diet or lifestyle to follow. Clearly, not following any diet is also 1 of a multitude of choices what can choose to follow.

There may be 2 schools of thought on what proper breathing should include: Group 1 believes that mouth breathing is ok while Group 2 believes that all inhalation and exhalation should be done only through the nose. My personal belief, training and experience is in Group 2. I am not alone in Group 2 as there are many scientists, doctors, monks, ultra athletes, yoga practitioners and ordinary people. If you have not ever given a thought on the importance and impact of breathing on health (and disease), then you are probably in Group 1. I was in Group 1 before I learned the science, applied the knowledge and experienced the benefits for me.

If after studying and trying both sides, you decide to breathe in and out through your nose, then welcome to a new world of health through breath.

Remember: when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

If you remain closed to new ideas, then you have an unopened parachute. It can help you, but you have to open it first.

“A Perfect Man Breathes As If He Is Not Breathing” – Lao Tzu

“When the Student is Ready, the Teacher will Appear.”