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Month: October 2023

Icebergs: It’s Not What It Seems

Marketing's operating definition includes: "Creating, Communicating and Delivering the Value"... This is a sincere, and necessary effort to communicate the value of the course design which is based on the latest best-practices on adult course design. The best practices didnt mention to communicate the value, and this may result to unnecessary pain or fear. Also, some students get easily bored when the admin stuff is being discussed because they want to go to the content right away. The result? Please watch this video to help see you go beyond what you

42  Running Tips From a Couch Potato to Marathoner to Fun Runner

First 11 Life Lessons from Marathons In October 2016, the life lessons I learned from running my first marathon were more transformative than what I learned from my 13 years of college and post graduate studies. Below is an initial list of what I learned when I ran my first marathon in 2016, 103 days after getting off my couch, purchasing my first running shoe in 35 years. I was then 51 years old, newly retired from my corporate world, experiencing what some would label as a mid-life crisis, suddenly inspired by