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Month: August 2020

Day 1: Adaptive Design Learning during Corona

After months of learning and applying Adaptive Design Learning concepts, a new dawn begins. The old world has gone, disrupted by the pandemic. The new road to Excellence in Learning is the only way forwrd. Get ready for your Enhanced Learning Experience! Click below to get links to materials you need to read/ watch before our first session! https://padlet.com/rdeungria/5hfy68oavyji68dg

Winning the Story Wars: Why those who tell- and live- the best stories will rule the future

Jonah Sachs wrote about the Digitoral Era in his book: Winning the Story Wars. Digitoral which is a mash-up of Digital and Oral is how he describes the current reality where brands must shift from being the heroes to mentors. He argues that this came after the Oral Phase (where stories or myths where spread by word of mouth and the law was Survival of the Fittest) and the Broadcast Era (where brands reigned supreme and used TV, radio and other media to encourage consumers to spend and where the

Home! Blogs of Student Digital Marketing Plans

Facebook and other social media platforms offers many advantages including a large customer base who regularly use it. Many companies use these platforms. One of the disadvantages is you cannot control how the content appears. Typically, Facebook follows a chronological order, with some features to pin posts or highlight certain topics. If you want full control of your information, a website or blog is the way to do it. Here are 5 blogs created to serve as the home for information to 5 Digital Marketing Plans created