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Month: December 2020

A Marketing Plan for Life

Who is the most important brand? You: the brand with your name on it! What is the most important business plan? Your life: which includes your family, your work, your profession, your dreams and goals. Why not use proven business and marketing principles to make brand YOU be the leading brand in your field! In 2009, I noted the 12 principles from the 2005 book: "A Marketing Plan for Life: 12 Essential Business Principles to Create Meaning, Happiness, and True Success by Robert Michael Fried. Define Business- Who Am I? Assess Market-

Join PIPOL Primus InterPares On Line

One of the real, life-long and possibly transformative benefits of starting an MBA with the Ateneo is the lifetime access to a premium network of like-minded fully employed professionals who share the journey of improvement and passion to serve with you. I strongly believe that these network will be useful or everyone at least once in their professional lives. If it does, then it is worth being part of it. First Among Equals! To support this, I initiated an on-line Facebook group in 2010 that has grown to almost 400