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Pictures paint a thousand words.

Videos are worth a thousand pictures.

Your video, priceless!

This video requirement shall replace the typical “Introduce Yourself” part at the beginning or end of classes.

All students shall now be required to create a 20 second version using selected pictures of their professional and personal selves,  upload it on canvas and on the class shared folder.

Lets use ZYXW to make this clearer:

Z (End Goal):

A 20 second (max) video introducing and summarizing who you are would like to be known for. Use selected pictures or videos of your personal and professional selves. Create the video (mp4 or equivalent) using Tiktok or Facebook reels or YouTube Shorts. Submit the video on the following  platforms

  1. Canvas (this is the only platform where grading will be done)
  2. Class shared folder (link to be communicated via the class viber group)

This is the sample output from me. It consists of screenshots of my blog, my linked in profile, my FB page, my youtube channel and my AGSB profile uploaded to Tiktok, selecting the relevant template and sound. 

Y (Why): 

  1. More fun and interesting for the class. Superior to the “normal, boring”- turn on your video and introduce yourself (zoom) or stand up and talk (face to face)
  2. 20 second constraint and platform constraint (Tiktok, Facebook Reels, or YT shorts) makes the playing field even and fair
  3. Easy to do. Takes less than 15 minutes to do

X (Dont Do)

  1. Do not spend more than 30 minutes doing this. This is a great exercise but there are more important things to do. 
  2. Do not use any other software or platform other than Tiktok, Reels or Shorts. 
  3. Do not exceed 20 seconds.
  4. Do not be late uploading on our shared folder on One Drive. There will be great consequences for missing the deadline. 
  5. Dont do the Before Titktok version of this intro found at the lower portion of this blogpost. (This is only shown below to show the evolution of this assignment)

W (What to do)

  1. Focus on the Z. Dont do the X.
  2. Click on the 2 links below  to watch 2 sample videos
  3. Make your own. Be Better!
  4. Earn your 20 points for this class exercise by submitting on Canvas!

BT (Before Tiktok). This requirement has been superseded. Just do the ZYXW described above.

Yes, we remember the years before Tiktok became the platform of choice for many for video creation and  posting. But that is another long story…

This was the older version of this exercise. I left it here for reference..

BT, for my Digital marketing class, the requirement is to upload the video on youtube  and embed/ feature the video in a wordpress blog (or equivalent).

The start and ending of the video should include the student’s elevator speech.

What’s an elevator speech? Its your 15 second answer to the question “What do you do” during the hypothetical situation of meeting somebody in the elevator.  The answer should be interesting, memorable and should invite a follow-up question…

For me, my elevator speech is “I am a VCoach. Transformer and Story Seller.” I expect a nod and a heehaw and if the elevator already opened signalling the end of the conversation, I will be leaving a good idea of what I do and some interest to have that follow-up question- “What does a Vcoach really do?

Why is there a one minute limit to the video? This is a marketing discipline that forces the video creator to select only the most significant components of his professional history and to show it in a concise and impactful way. This is similar to the discipline required to make a 15 second TV commercial or 30 second radio ad.

I usually create a sample output for students to refer to as benchmark.  I am no longer surprised that some students are able to produce videos far superior than mine.  I can definitely improve my digital intro video in the future, but for now, this is my best digital intro….

For those who have privacy concerns, here are workarounds to the video upload on youtube:

  1.  Dont put your real name or picture. But choose a name that people can link to you. For instance if your real name is Juan de la Cruz, you can put a name of Johnny Cruise, in the video.
  2. Upload the video not with your current youtube account. Fyi, you can have several youtube accounts and you can use a youtube account that is not traceable to  you.
  3. For videos uploaded on youtube, you can choose to mark it as unlisted so that other people cant search for the video. Only those with the link you provide can access it.
  4. If you are still uncomfortable with 1-3, then you can upload it in a google drive folder and share the url link in canvas as your submission.

There are many programs that can make video.

But did you know that you can make it for free using Powerpoint. Here’s a video tutorial…

Another video tutorial on using Powerpoint to create your video

Another easy way to create a video from powerpoint is to record this via Zoom meeting. Watch this…

Be Inspired from some of the best 1 minute intro videos submitted for class







Better yet, make a video so good, that it you will be the new benchmark for future classes.
