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How To

How To Create YouTube Videos from Powerpoint

Creating videos on YouTube is Fast and Easy - if you know how and if you try it at least once. The following video guide may help you save time and effort. Watch. Learn. Do. Learn. (Repeat) https://youtu.be/VLVMJKzhA2c A Question and Answer session in class was recorded via Zoom and may also provide useful information. https://youtu.be/QYdEuenBxus For easy reference, here is a COSLA template in powerpoint format (which is downloadable)... A copy of this is also available to students in the Google drive shared folder https://www.slideshare.net/josephdeungria/professional-powerful-presentations-using-cosla-templates And the video demo on how to use

COSLA 3.0 Guide

Marketing Concepts are best learned when concepts are synthesized and recent local applications are used. COSLA means- COncept Synthesis and Local Application. A comparison of the good, better, best versions and samples of COSLA video are in a different blogpost. You may view them using the link below... https://bongdeungria.com/power-shifts-to-connected-customers-2021-edition/ 6 COSLA Videos, 2021 vs. 2020 A video is the current standard for student reporting: a timed, rehearsed, cloud-based, uploaded YouTube video on the assigned topic. This is superior to actual student reporting in a classroom while the rest of the class listens

Slide Share Your Ideas to the World!

Everything is up in the cloud! Gone with the wind are submissions using CDs, USBs, emails. Hello to the new, easy sharing of what is on the cloud. You will need to use certain cloud based platforms to do this. Among my most commonly used ones are: slidehsare (for powerpoint and pdf uploading), woredpress blogs (for consolidating different info in 1 locoation), youtube and vimeo (for video uploading)... Introducing slideshare... https://www.slideshare.net/convertingcopy/how-to-use-slideshare-8695225 Getting Started With SlideShare from LinkedIn SlideShare What Is SlideShare? +How to Get Started Using It Quickly. More info here... https://business.tutsplus.com/articles/what-is-slideshare--cms-29826

Zoom 101

  Zoom video conferencing is now a necessary skill especially for those who are forced to Work or Learn from Home. A Covid-19 support website contains multiple links that might be useful to all Zoom users, beginners and experts alike... https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/covid19.html The official resource guide can be found here... https://zoom.us/resources Here are 6 x 1 minute video tutorials from the official guide that should get you started quickly.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsy2Ph6kSf8&list=PLKpRxBfeD1kEM_I1lId3N_Xl77fKDzSXe https://youtu.be/hIkCmbvAHQQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqncX7RE0wM&feature=emb_rel_end https://youtu.be/ygZ96J_z4AY https://youtu.be/YA6SGQlVmcA https://youtu.be/YUnCzhIIsJM Here are Top Tips and Tricks when Using Zoom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNxhkq9jjVo Want to be better using Zoom? Watch these videos too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8UwTwjpE6E The first 5 minutes of this tutorial is also very useful... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i-NA563Ojk

Who You? A Digital Intro…

Pictures paint a thousand words. Videos are worth a thousand pictures. Your video, priceless! This video requirement shall replace the typical "Introduce Yourself" part at the beginning or end of classes. All students shall now be required to create a 20 second version using selected pictures of their professional and personal selves,  upload it on canvas and on the class shared folder. Lets use ZYXW to make this clearer: Z (End Goal): A 20 second (max) video introducing and summarizing who you are would like to be known for. Use selected pictures or videos of your

Play by the Score

A famous football coach once said, “In my 20 years of coaching, I never lost a single game- I just ran out of time.” (If we had more time, we’d be able to catch up, or the opposing team would get tired or commit mistakes; Nevertheless, it does not count since the rules say how much time we have in the game.) More often than not, time is a rule that everyone needs to contend with in the many games of life. But time is not the only rule. Each game