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Facebook pages are easy to set-up.

It’s slightly more difficult than posting on your Facebook profile. And you can have one page up in less than 3 minutes.

But creating awesome pages that really wow audiences and work (create awareness, sell, and all those good stuff) ? That requires good marketing basics and a creative mind. Having a digital expert show you the way to do it at the latest Facebook interface, then that’s a real bonus!

In this video, Prof. Pam Astillero, Certified Digital Marketer and Google certified for Search, Display, Apps and Shopping, share a step by step live demonstration on how to do it. This video was created by Prof. Pam as the 2rd part of her July 17 2021 lecture to the v85 Digital Marketing class of Prof. Bong De Ungria of the Ateneo Graduate School of Business.

Some things DIGITAL about Pam…


Pam created this video for her lecture to Ateneo Graduate School of Business Digital Marketing Class v85- the Passionate Learners…
