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Trust But Verify

Did you know the 6 page memo approach of Jeff Bezos for his meetings with the top managers of Amazon. Think of this: If you are meeting with Jeff Bezos on a regular basis, then it is highly likely that you have the experience, education and motivation of a high performing executive. And yet, Jeff does not expect these Amazon executives to prepare adequately for the meeting. Watch this: https://youtu.be/L227qFemjqI?si=KecoZw6rJ222OKnL Watch on Youtube The new normal, during and post pandemic, is characterized by limitations on live face to face interactions. Now more than

Create Your Future with 20 Year Hyper Marketing Plans

The World's Most Important Brand Has Your Name on It. It Makes Sense to Use Marketing Principles to Increase the Value or Equity of Your Personal Brand. Create Your Brand's Successful Future by Developing and Using a Vision Driven 20 Year Personal Marketing Plan This is the Video-based Student Guide to Creating the High Performance Highly Personal Hyperlinked Marketing Plan. https://youtu.be/aElIyvqxiiI Below is my 20 Year Highly Personal High Performance Hyperlinked Marketing Plans as of Nov 2020 Shared as a sample to MBA Students for creating their own 20 Year Hyper3.0 Plans. https://youtu.be/e5Tt_BHK3KA If

Day 1: Adaptive Design Learning during Corona

After months of learning and applying Adaptive Design Learning concepts, a new dawn begins. The old world has gone, disrupted by the pandemic. The new road to Excellence in Learning is the only way forwrd. Get ready for your Enhanced Learning Experience! Click below to get links to materials you need to read/ watch before our first session! https://padlet.com/rdeungria/5hfy68oavyji68dg

Winning the Story Wars: Why those who tell- and live- the best stories will rule the future

Jonah Sachs wrote about the Digitoral Era in his book: Winning the Story Wars. Digitoral which is a mash-up of Digital and Oral is how he describes the current reality where brands must shift from being the heroes to mentors. He argues that this came after the Oral Phase (where stories or myths where spread by word of mouth and the law was Survival of the Fittest) and the Broadcast Era (where brands reigned supreme and used TV, radio and other media to encourage consumers to spend and where the

Presenting Marketing Campaign Results: Choose from 5 Different Templates

OK, you did the work. Now you have to report it. What is the best template to use? Surely, there are many out there. But this is one that you can consider... https://www.slideshare.net/josephdeungria/5-models-in-presenting-marketing-campaign-results Most of the elements of the template are relatively easy and straightforward. The most difficult one, which is not common sense is the insight or big idea. Suggest you read this link... https://thrivethinking.com/2016/03/28/what-is-insight-definition/ What's the BIG IDEA? Look here... https://marketingland.com/whats-big-idea-3-fundamentals-successful-digital-creative-153747# Or here... https://www.smartinsights.com/traffic-building-strategy/campaign-planning/four-steps-developing-big-idea-campaign/

FAQ: What’s the Right Template?

Frequently Asked Question What's the Right Template for my report. Before the answer, here are 2 related true stories: Story #1 : Once upon a time, for real, a multinational company who was considering hiring me to an executive position, gave me an address of a company that will do a pre-employment psychological test. It was the time before waze and google maps, and I was not familiar with the place so I did the next best thing- call the phone number indicated in the address.  After 3 rings, a big voice greeted

Zoom to Win: Strategically Select Sustainable Competitive Advantage

How do Brands Win vs. Competition? By Zooming on a Compelling USP Unique Selling Proposing that Solves the PTM Primary Target Market's Problem or Pain better than competition. Watch this! https://youtu.be/6MzPWWfO7sI https://youtu.be/6C9ypGK91XM One of the run-away winners in the pandemic disrupted world is Zoom. Watch this video and find out why and how... https://youtu.be/p9YUjzmiiSk What happened to Microsoft Skype? https://youtu.be/hzsuYrptwKk In a related video, lets see another industry and company affected by the pandemic. https://youtu.be/oGMtbhvorQc In the comments section below, pls. post your reaction to the video focusing on why Zoom won the war (at least for now)... Pls.

Increase YouTube Views with Titles, Thumbnails and Sound

Creating a YouTube Video takes a lot of time and Hardwork. Of course, you want your videos to reach as many people as possible. To increase views, add interesting titles, compelling thumbnails and upbeat sound! https://youtu.be/Q9-2JmivLMg Get More YouTube Views with Titles, Thumbnails and Sound More Info on YouTube How To... https://bongdeungria.com/amplify-online-learning-by-boosting-audio-and-adding-captions/

Be Like Steve Jobs, The StorySeller

Stories Tell. Compelling Stories Sell. What is the Difference Between Story Telling and Story Selling? In the world of business, billions of dollars can be tje difference of Truth Well Told, Story Well Sold. Master Story Selling by Adapting Steve Jobs Style in Your Next Business Presentation. In Business, Steve Jobs was a maestro in Story- selling even on occassions when he had nothing finalized at the time he was launching the story. Was Steve lying? Some would call it educated bluffing or keeping his cards close to his