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Not all marketing classes are equal.

Why choose Hypermarketing 3.0 Class under VCoach Bong De Ungria?

To EARN a High Performance Highly Personal Hyperlinked Excellent Experience!

To Be Primus Interpares (First Among Equals)

Master Marketing 101.

Create Your Future with 20 Year Plans.

Live the AGSB Mission of Expertise, Integrity. Service!

To go Faster, Higher, Stronger- Together

Or better yet, experience excellence in less than 1 minute… 

Why Hypermarketing Class with VCoach Bong in 56 seconds @ YouTube

As I keep recommending to my students, a good foundation for creating a video is a powerpoint presentation. I am sure there are other options. The difficulty of going directly to your video editior is sometimes you get so tempted to use all the video effects (style) that content is not given enough attention. So here is the baseline powerpoint used to create the 56 second video. There are 22 slides in all so the average length of each slide in the video is under 3 seconds.

Why? On Slideshare. Useful demonstration of what is a good base for a video report

This was the first version in 23 seconds…

Why Choose HyperMarketing 3.0?

Final Note: Decided to make a 1 minute video  as a demo example as  I am now requiring shorter commercial-like videos for both Markma and Digima individual and group submissions. This diiscipline is a must for companies communicating thru traditional media like TV or print, and now even in social media where the attention span of viewers are now shorter (some say 7 seconds).

I found it much harder making a 1 minute video than I originally thought but this is real marketing in practice.

USP’s Unique Selling Proposition, Why your brand, Your Elevator Speech work best when focused and short.

#ExperienceExcellence #FOCUS #AvoidClutter #HYPERMarketing3 #NotEasyButWorthIt