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Create Your Personal Brand Logo and Positioning

Did you know that your Most Important Brand in the World Has Your Name On It? https://www.slideshare.net/josephdeungria/worlds-most-important-brand-in-the-world-has-your-name-on-it Now you know you are a brand- a personal brand with your name on it. And to you and your loved ones, you are the most important brand in the world. Want to be a great brand that stands out from the rest? The following case study shows the steps to develop and reinvent your personal brand. At the very minimum, you should have an original brand logo. Think of the greatest brands in the world: Apple, Google,

WAZE: A Digital Case Study of a Profitable Business Model?

I use Waze about 4 hours a day. Yes, driving in Metro Manila takes that long and Waze is one of the few brands that I am "friends" with on a daily basis. This morning, I saw a Waze ad on my Facebook news feed. For business and educational reasons, I spent the next 2 hours trying to document and learn from this journey- including capturing the user experience via video and uploading it on youtube and also taking screenshots and then annotating it in a powerpoint uploaded on slideshare. Some of

01 Defining Marketing for New Realities and the COSLA Template

Marketing Concepts are best learned when concepts are synthesized and recent local applications are used. COSLA means- COncept Synthesis and Local Application. Here is a completed COSLA video report uploaded on Youtube… This is from Celina Alviar, MBA, v97 COSLA Video, https://youtu.be/a7izhSN-4yo This is a 2 min COSLA Video from me... https://youtu.be/C_xsVjgjWMs Once upon a time I required 20 min COSLA videos. However, student submissions cannot be shown in class since there was not enough time. This is a sample of the same COSLA video with a 20 minute time limit. https://youtu.be/jy7x556aBcE Video is the