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Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD, during his June 21 sermon commemorating Father’s Day, 100th day of lockdown (and for my parents, their 56th wedding anniversary) shared some reminders worth remembering during this game called life…


“Be not Afraid” 10 Father’s Day Life Lessons  from Fr. Orbos

  1. Christianity is  the only major religion that refers to God as “Father” or “Abba”.
  2. And the Father loved us so much that He sent his only Son to save the world. So we are ALL in and ALL WIN in our Father’s heart.
  3. “Do Not Be Afraid (or Discouraged) ” is mentioned more than 365 times in the bible. That’s all we need to put in our hearts all the time, most especially during difficult times.
  4. Song: “Be Not Afraid. I go before you always. Come follow me, and I will give you rest.”
  5. So there is nothing to Fear. Not Death. Not The Virus. Not Poverty.
  6. Face the light and the shadow is behind. Turn your back to the light and the shadow is always in front of you. So face your fear and the shadow is behind you. And you don’t face life alone, you face it with God.
  7. 2 approaches for our children: (a) Prepare the road for the children (b) Prepare the children for the road.
  8. Father Acronym: Fearless Awesome Teacher Hearty Everywhere Reliable
  9. Be Good. Study Well. Pray. There will be someday (Give Hope. Belum- Not yet).
  10. Teach the 4 Quotients: IQ. EQ. SQ= Social Quotient. Ability to get along with other people. AQ = Adversity Quotient. Is the child trained to be strong during difficult times. Can he handle it.