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Make 2024 the year you, your family and your business achieve BREAKTHROUGH and REINVENTION!

Transform your language and Create the Life and Business You Want and Dream of.

And achieve this in only 24 hours!

Do this in this Experience of a lifetime- ReINVENT One

Here is a sneak peak of how the event looks like:

How The Transformation Seminar looks like… Watch it also on YouTube

Our vision for Reinvent One, January 26-28, 2024 is to create committed, extraordinary, and excellent leaders.

The course venue is at the Genesis Room of the St Francis Square (in front of SM Megamall).

An honor, a blessing and a challenge to be Co-Captain with Reinvent International Founder Jireh De Oca of this Coaching Team for this Transformation event of a lifetime.

Excited to know that SLS Founder, World Class Coach Ever Miranda will be travelling all the way from the US to lead the event.

Ask me how you can be part of this once in a lifetime experience!

As co-captain of the Coaching Staff for this event, I am fully committed to helping TRANSFORMe individuals, families and businesses.

In my more than 35 years in industry as a professional and 30 years as a professor, this is arguably the best training that I have completed. In some aspects, the real impact on my life may exceed some aspects of my 3 year MBA. In fact, this training created such a positive impact in my life that I enrolled my 2 brothers, my sister-in-law and my son and daughter to the same training this year. (see the 2023 Reinvent One graduation picture below).

I am so convinced that this works? Why? Because I have completed the same training.

And I was so satisfied that i enrolled my son and daughter, my 2 brothers, my sister-in-law as this will be great for our family dynamics I also successfully invited 8 business-owner partners to attend this January 26, 2024 event as they want to breakthrough in their business. My wife will be attending this soon!

This short video was a celebration of my family’s partipation and completion of this same transformation seminar!

This training is so awesome and life-changing that I am now undergoing advanced training to be the first Asian coach to be certified to conduct the advanced version of this course.

If you are receiving this special invitation, then I care enough about you to share with you this opportunity to be your BEST YOU in 2024. Dont worry if this is not yet the right time for you; perhaps you can share this gift and opportunity to somebody special.

So enroll yourself, your wife, your children, your top employees- and make an awesome transformation that will create the future you have long wished for.

Knock! Knock!

Who is It?

Transformation in 2024.

What will you do?

Open the door!

By the way, this is the same group that organized the SLS World Cup event with John Maxwell that I attended in San Diego California June 2023.

Too busy to attend? Have a previous commitment? Please consider this…