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Digital Marketing Plan

The digital marketing  plan is a  part of the over-all marketing plan. While it is true that the proportion, impact, degree and importantce of digital is growing, it is still part of the over-all plan. On-line and off-line together. Traditional and digital co-exist. There are many different models to use for presenting a digital marketing plan. Here are 3 models that are easy and useful to use: [slideshare id=81696119&doc=spadercasesostacgettobymodels2017-171107081148] This file can be downloaded for your use.. Here are some digital marketing strategies that worked: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArqYG4nKS2A&w=560&h=315]

Where are You in the Digital World?

If somebody googles you, will the real you appear? It is always good to establish where you are digitally at the start of this marketing course. Then do this exercise again at the end of the course and see if you improved your digital presence. step 1 - Go to google search.  Do a search for your "family name". step 2 - Take a screenshot or digital snapshot of the page 1 result. Print screen the result step 3 - Paste the printscreen on Powerpoint (Click the "paste" icon or simultaneously click "Ctrl" +

Video Creation: An Essential Tool in Digital Strategy

Today, I created and uploaded 3 educational videos on youtube. It's been at least 4 years since I did this. But now that I am privileged to coach 2 digital marketing classes (Ateneo Graduate School of Business and at UP College of Business Administration), I think its about time to practice (again) what I preach... The videos were captured by a free app called Jing by Techsmith. The free version allows up to 5 minute screen capture of your desktop in swf format. I converted the swf to mp4 using   "VIP

Creating Videos is an Essential Component of Digital Strategy

Today, I created and uploaded 3 educational videos on youtube.It's been at least 4 years since I did this. But now that I am privileged to coach 2 digital marketing classes (Ateneo Graduate School of Business and at UP College of Business Administration), I think its about time to practice (again) what I preach...The videos were captured by a free app called Jing by Techsmith. The free version allows up to 5 minute screen capture of your desktop in swf format. I converted the swf to mp4 using   "VIP

State of Philippines Social Media and Digital as of January 2017

Where is the Philippines now in terms of Social Media and Digital?This is the video lecture I use in my Digital Marketing classes. The data is as of January 2017 and the reference files are indicated below.  Here is a good infographic summary:Below is a summary of the Philippine data which was the "extracted" report created annually by Third Team Digital Media and uploaded January 2017 from the data by We Are Social and Hootsuite. The State of Social Media and Digital in the Philippines for 2017

Disrupt You!

Published on Mar 4, 2016Jay Samit teaches people how to master personal transformation, seize opportunity, and thrive in this era of endless innovation.Serial entrepreneur Jay Samit is a technology innovator who has partnered with startups, Fortune 500 firms, and the White House to positively impact the lives of billions around the world. Samit is the bestselling author of Disrupt You! Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation.