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Month: January 2019

Digitally Transformed in 8 Weeks!

And just like that, the 8 weeks have gone by. Were you digitally transformed? Are you now a creator? After the 1 minute video below, learn from key take-aways that Digital Marketers 4.0 can OWN beyond the limits of time and space... [slideshare id=128471444&doc=v77takeawaysondigital-190119101519]

Marketing in a Mobile Only World

Once upon a time, a wise man said, "Mobile was important", as an emerging channel for marketing communication. Suddenly, everything converged on Mobile. Computing, Communications, Banking, Buying, Social Connections, Work From Home, Music, Research are now all available and primarily accessed through the Phone. For some time not too long ago,  it was widely accepted that "Mobile first!" when designing  any digital communication.  Now, more than ever, the world is shrinking to Marketing to Mobile only world.The new paradigm: Dont design marketign communications for the desktop, then adapt to mobile. It was the

Another Outstanding On-Line Class Session

The class is more than a sum of its parts.  But when you have professionals doing the hard work and contributing their best, the class is a product of its parts! Am so blessed, thankful and proud of how our Digital Marketing class session went on today that I think that showing this as a benchmark for future classes to learn from is a great idea. I wasnt able to record the first 30 minutes of the class, but the rest of it was simply amazing! Jan 5 2019, 6th session (out of