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Month: June 2017

Smarter with Smartphones: Why Mobile Marketing Works

Own a smartphone?If you have a smartphone and actually use it to access the internet, then your IQ has increased by leaps and bounds?Why, because with google and youtube and all the other searches engines that you can do, your access to updated, relevant knowledge about the products you want to buy are exponentially increased.Watch this video to appreciate why mobile marketing is a key element of a digital strategy...  Published on Feb 3, 2015 digital marketing trends of 2015 is one of the most talked about topics in the

Digital Case Studies: Hizon’s Catering and Robinsons Concierge

Does digital marketing really work in the real world, in the Philippines, today?The answer is yes, if you will base it on this case study... The answer is maybe, if you dig deeper and find out from youtube that there are only 2 samples of  4 year old  studies from this digital marketing agency at myoptimind.comPublished on Jun 18, 2013This case study shows how Hizon's Catering utilized the power of different digital distribution channels (web, social, search and mobile) to improve their sales performance. Here is the other 2013  case study

SMACIT: Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, Internet of Things

  from the MIT Sloane Executive Education ProgramPublished on Feb 9, 2016"There is a digital transformation coming at us nowadays in the form of an evolution of technology - social, mobile, analytics, the cloud, and the Internet of Things just to name a few. By themselves, none of these creates issues. However, the confluence of these technologies has changed the way we think about doing business, and what makes up this digital transformation. Companies who simply adapt their technology to the way they do business are missing the boat. Leading-edge

Virtual Reality: 3D Photos, False Realities that Can Improve Lives (or Destroy them),

Embrace the Digital Transformations so you can Shape it...this is the key message in this Ted Talk...The first and very interesting example of the digital pop superstar was actually tackled in a 2002 movie "Simone" starring Al Pacino.Here fiction has indeed become reality. If you were amazed by 3d photos, imagine the technology that goes into 3D printing. Wow!By embracing the technology and knowing what it can do, we can now come up with new virtual solutions that make what was once impossible, possible.The thin line between virtual and real

High Tech, High Touch: Its the People not the Technology!

High tech, high touch was a slogan as early as 1994 when I was doing marketing for Unilever Philippines. It simply meant that as technology increased, the requirement for human interaction also increased.In many digital discussions today, digital disruption is almost the opening discussion. This Ted talk takes a different view...Here is the intro to the talk accompanying the video...Steve believes that now more than ever the old way of doing things is hurting more than helping. Digital disruption requires new ways of thinking."Here are Steve's own words opening the

Understanding Digital Disruptions through McKinsey Digital Strategy Framework

Business in general, and marketing in particular, use frameworks or models to help analyze complex situations.McKinsey, a highly respected strategy company, proposes a hexagonal framework to make sense of digital disruptions.In trying to explain the framework, the following video shows some interesting examples, like Uber and Air BnB, of how digital disruptions need to be understood as to how it is a threat or an opportunity, now or in the near future for companies and industries... For more McKinsey content on digital... click the link... McKinsey Digital

Digital Disruptions: Connecting, Shaping the Customer’s Journey and Converting Awareness to Sales

Digital technology has truly disrupted the marketplace. And it has affected not only the customers but even the companies as well.Sometimes, the razzle and dazzle of digital, the bells and whistles of technology, make compaies lose sight of what is a basic task of marketing: connecting with customers.In this 2015 youtube video, an expert from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions talks about how companies can drop the ball and forget about the customer , because they have put their attention and hopes to digital...We need to be aware of and consciously shape

Digital Marketing: DIY (Do It Yourself) or Hire the Experts

A common misconception is that digital marketing is cheap and easy to do.Yes, it is cheaper than traditional marketing if done right which is why most companies who cant afford traditional marketing on trimedia have the their first state of marketing in the digital arena. But then the misconception that makes digital marketing expensive is when companies try to do it themselves.Watch this video ad of a digital marketing agency that points out that trying to do digital yourself may distract you from the more important things in your business...

Advantages of Digital Marketing

What are the 2 key advantages of Digital Marketing?Watch the video to find out  This was uploaded on March 2016 by the Frankfurt School of Management (or an entity that claims to be it). The video looks professional enough and there is no reason to doubt that it did come from that school.So what are the advantages of digital marketing? 1. Enchanced ability to target segments 2. Ability to measure results With the fast speed of technology, the marketplace is always in a state of flux (change) ie. what works today may not