Management by Objectives.

Something I heard a long, long time ago. Familiar but frequently overlooked in the world of business.
Back to Basics or ABC or 101 is another common management rah-rah. But have you ever heard of ZYX?
Z. Start With the End in Mind. Describe in detail the outcome that you want. Where possible, be SMART with Z. Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Timebound. This is parallel to the O in MBO.
Y. Why is Z important and a must? Compellling reasons why failing to reach Z is not acceptable.
X. How to get to your Z (there are many ways, and there are many unexpected obstacles; But if the Z is clear and the reasons Y are strong enough… then choosing which option to follow is easier…)
Update as of July 2023: For purposes of the quiz based on the 8 minute video and the powerpoint, the X still means what do you do to achieve your Z.
You will find out in the updated version of the ZYXW that the new definitions are:
X: What You Will Not Do
W: What to Do (This was the Old X referred to in this blogpost) This covers the What, Who, When, How which are the normal components of an action plan.
Confused? If you want the latest version of the ZYXW VUTS Thinking Model that Coach Z developed, then pls. refer to ZYX Marketing blogpost
Leaders think ZYX while followers still think ABC.
Are you ready to be a leader?
Below is the short pdf version of the presentation on slideshare
This is the 8 minute version of the lecture, which was discussed with v88 last Oct 9 2021 and recorded via Zoom and trimmed using Cyberlink 365 video editor. Updated material about the Why? Y? part , including Simon Sinek’s Start With Why make this video worth watching…
Click the class picture below to play the 8 minute version of ZYX…. (You need this for the verification quiz/ exercise)
If you want to learn more about it , watch this full 42 minute version (optional, not needed for the verification exercise): (An on-line class session with MBA students taking the Marketing Management class of VCoach Bong last May 14 2020 and edited September 2021. Recorded via Zoom.)
Here is the presentation in slideshare…