Wouldn’t it be great if all of us were like Aladdin who had a magic lamp with a genie that gave us 3 wishes, and only 3 wishes but with a 100 percent guarantee that three wishes will definitely come true? What would we wish for?
What Will You Do If You Knew You Cannot Fail?
It’s Time. For ZYX. Your Genie. Your Wishes.

Here’s A Video Which Explains How to Be Wealthy, Healthy and Happy NOW!
Wealth, Health and Happiness are the 3 general and universal categories of wishes or life goals – because life would not be complete if you only had 1 or 2 wishes – Being Wealthy but Sick, Being Wealthy and Healthy but Unhappy. Yes, we need 3 wishes.
But How many Times have you really desired wealth, health or happiness but failed? You may have aimed for such wonderful things as Starting a Business, Meeting Your Soulmate, Losing Weight or Just Being Happy During the Time of Covid. And yet why, oh why do we fail, again and again.
There is a business equivalent of Aladdin’s genie that can make our 3 most important wishes come true. I developed this model after I put in the “required” 10,000 hours over the last 25 years as a dual citizen like our superhero, the Batman- A corporate leader by day and then putting on my Batman mask as marketing professor at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business at night.

At the Ateneo Graduate School of Business, I have had the privilege of inspiring almost 3,000 students over almost 100 classes, with innovative ways of understanding what happens in the business world during the day to what we discussed in the classroom at night. I found it necessary and effective to cut the BS (bul_sh_t) and be direct to the point.
And so I created the ZYX paradigm of leadership and goal achievement.
Z represents the outcome, what we really want. It is the End in Mind habit of Steven Covey. Z is the vision and mission of companies. It is the Vision Board that young children are asked to make or the visualization that athletes do. Z is the non-negotiable, the end point that cannot be changed no matter what happens.

Y is the Why, the reasons why we want the Z. Y is consistent with Simon Sinek’s Start with why. However, if you want the genie, let’s start with Z.
If your Ys are stronger than your strongest excuse, then you will achieve the Z. In Filipino, we have the saying: Kung Away may Dahilan, Kung Gusto may Paraan.

X represents all the things we will not do so that we can focus on achieving the Z.
X ncludes all the things we will give up, the time we will not waste, the resources we will not scatter and the roads we will not take.

When we do a Google search, the words we type in the search box accomplishes 2 things: it directs the search to what we want (Z and Y) while the words we dont type are automatically excluded (X) as these are not important.
After the ZYX, there are the WVU and TS
W is the What and How or the many different ways that we can choose from that answers the Y and achieves the Z. X must be the most efficient way to be effective.
The VU and TS are for another blogpost on another day.

Instead of thinking ABC which is what children do when they start studying in school or the XYZ that many do everyday- ZYX is the shockingly simple but effective way that anybody can immediately understand, remember and apply. The reverse count is like the rocket launch countdown of Mel Robbins popularly accepted and scientifically based 54321.

ZYX is the simple but integrating equivalent to Einstein’s e= mc2.
It is as universally effective as a traffic light’s red, yellow and green which drivers all around the world follow for safety and speed.
ZYX is the pencil solution, the simplest and only writing instrument that can write in the zero gravity of space.
Imagine a world without Einstein, the pencil and the traffic light- we would be lost in unwritten myth and miserable chaos.
Without the genie and ZYX, our 3 wishes may not come true.
ZYX is A Thinking Paradigm to Get What You Really Want. ZYX unleashes the genie, actually the genius within all of us.
Enable your organization and high performing teams with the ZYX mindset. Simple. Powerful. Genius!
As of March 2023, the current working title of the book is: Finish and Repeat. 8 Steps to Highly Repetitive Success.

‘For more information, connect with Prof. and Coach Z Bong De Ungria at rdeungria@ateneo.edu or viber +(63) 917-8571089.