Changing mindset from finite to infinite, from ABC to ZYX, allows companies and individuals to stay in the game called life or business. Instead of fearing volatility, an infinite mindset sees opportunity to lead in uncertainty

Simon Sinek explains the difference between a finite and infinite mindset in this video. As an example, he cited the Vietnam war where the US won every battle but lost the war. After losing 58,000 men, the US lost the will to continue an unpopular war vs. the North Vietnamese who lost 3 million men but had an infinite mindset and fighting for their lives and their country (just cause).
To lead with an infinite mindset, companies should have:
(1) Vision or Just Cause which is worth sacrifcing for, which is a strong enough reason Y
(2) Trusting Teams where employees are trusted and empowered to do the right thing for the customer even if the rules dont explicitly say so
(3) Worthy Rival that will bring out the best version of you
(4) Existential Flexibility or the Agility to change course, even if doing so would mean abandoing something that you have spent countless hours and millions pursuing
(5) Courage to Lead
Make the strategic decision to start thinking infinite and ZYX. And instead of fearing VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), lead yourself and your team to become better and outlast, outplay your competition.