VUCA = Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous. VUCA adequately describes our new or next normal, the socially surprised world that evolved from the pandemic.
Perhaps the closest Filipino term to VUCA is “Bulaga”, most commonly linked to “Eat Bulaga”, (translation: Eat Surprise) the popular noontime TV show since 1979, that continues to surprise the world with its resilience vs competition and ability to create new stories that its target market engage with.
Bulaga is like a Jack in The Box loud surprise that the recipient may or may not be happy with. But it is what it is. Life goes on.
Even the permutations of the word “Bulaga” show an ironic correlation with VUCA…
Bulaga- Surprise!
Bulag- Blind (or blindsided by the surprise)
Bula- Instant and Small like the virus (context: Maglaho parang bula: Disappear without a trace)
Bul – Your BS or B__lS!@t or what is left if no adequate response to Bulaga
Bu- Shorter surprise
B – Basics are what you are left with after the BS and instant surprise.
Why is VUCA important? My business mentor always reminded me that identifying and characterizing an event or an idea with the appropriate name is important as all subsequent actions and plans will emanate from the right name.
More VUCA Bulaga here…
A short video, by System Innovation, explains how VUCA describes situations or environments that engender high levels of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
Here is another video by Philip de Vroe (The Finance Storyteller) who makes strategy, finance and leadership enjoyable and easier to understand.
According to Philip:
“What is VUCA? One of the most widely used business strategy acronyms, in sentences like “We operate in a VUCA environment” and “It’s a VUCA world out there”. Where does this VUCA acronym come from? What does VUCA mean? What is the impact of VUCA on leadership and strategy? So what does the acronym VUCA stand for? V U C A. Volatile. Uncertain. Complex. Ambiguous. Some people think VUCA is only used to describe “dark clouds on the horizon” scenarios, but it is far broader than that. It can be “positive” as well as “negative”. The meaning of VUCA becomes a lot clearer if you contrast it with its opposites. Volatile versus stable. Uncertain versus predictable and certain. Complex versus simple and linear. Ambiguous versus clear. Some situations in life are on the VUCA side, others are on the non-VUCA side. The tragedy is to mistake one for the other!”