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Hey friends and business associates!

I’m thrilled to share an incredible opportunity with you! This July 18-20, 2024, the SLS World Cup of Transformation will take place in Mexico City, featuring the inspirational Nick Vujicic. This event is designed to elevate your personal and professional life, connecting you with top-tier coaches and helping you break through barriers that have been holding you back.

Let’s Meet Nick Vujicic! 🌟

Nick Vujicic, a world-renowned motivational speaker known for his remarkable life story and powerful messages of resilience, will be one of the keynote speakers. Alongside him, Master Coach Josselyne Herman-Saccio and other global leaders will share their insights and strategies for transformation. These sessions promise to be deeply inspirational and transformative.

World Cup 2024 in Mexico City this July 18 -20, 2024. Watch the video on YouTube

What to Expect

Day 1 & 2: Discover Your Authentic Self
Engage in deep self-exploration through insightful discussions and activities designed to uncover the unseen contexts shaping your life. This journey will help you recognize your existing frameworks and embrace the freedom to choose anew, setting the stage for profound personal growth.

Day 3: Create Your Breakthrough Moment
Experience a secure environment crafted for major breakthroughs in effectiveness, aliveness, and self-expression. Expect a quantum leap in your personal and professional life, guided by new perspectives and a roadmap to a fulfilling future. This day is about redefining your existence with innovative thinking and powerful, actionable insights.

Why You Should Attend

Our goal is to make the Philippines so great that everyone chooses to stay and not seek opportunities elsewhere. Let’s work together to bring the World Cup of Transformation to the Philippines in 2025 by building a strong, inspired team this year.

Benefits of Attending

  • Elevate Your Game: Engage with world-class coaches to uncover and overcome your hidden barriers.
  • Professional Advancement: Learn strategies that will propel your career forward by breaking out of status quo thinking.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals in a serene, inspiring environment.

Join Us

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your life and contribute to a noble cause. PM me for early bird promotional slots which are selling out fast!

More Info: SLS Retreat

Let’s make history together!

In World Cup 2023 in San Diego,California, John C. Maxwell was the featured speaker! And I was there!

World Cup 2023 in San Diego, California. I was there! With John C. Maxwell. Watch on YouTube.