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Breath evangelist, Jac Vidgen, interviewed this author on the life altering benefits I immediately gained from Breathing Optimally…

Watch the video on YouTube…

When I started breathing optimally thru the coaching of Jac, this was my X in the ZYX method…

My X: I gave up a few minutes a day to do my breathe practice so that I can sleep without the CPAP machine for 8 hours every night. Was the breathe practice easy? Certainly not. But was it worth it, absolutely!

My Z: Optimal Health and Quality of Life

My Y: Because Health is Wealth! I cannot have a happy life with my loved ones. if I am sick. My sleep apnea was wreaking havoc on my health and my work.

My W: I attended the 15 hour face to face Basic Seminar conducted by Jac in 2012. Applied the breathe practice for 20 minutes a day. Within 2 weeks, I was free from my CPAP machine. As I became more convinced about the method, I attended the Intermediate and Advanced seminar (via Zoom) conducted by Vladimir Sukhonosov (PhD) and Christopher Drake (Senior Consultant) of Learn Buteyko

One of the most powerful stories that emphasize the importance of optimal breathing for health is this.

We eat 3 times a day. We can survive 40 days without eating. The record for survival with no food is 362 days! And yet, when we want to be healthy, we focus on diet and food. And this is something we can do without!

We drink water many times a day. We can probably survive without water for 3 days. Just like anything, there are good, better, best ways of drinking water and fluids.

For the majority of the population, exercise is no more than once a day. And yet we want to be healthy, we follow the latest trends in exercise. Majority see no impact to the effort.

We breathe 26,000 times a day, and this is without conscious thinking as the body does it on its own. We die within 5 minutes of not breathing. Yet, the general perception is that breathing does not need to be learned, and that all breathing is the same. Imagine if you can replace each one of those 26,000 good breathes with 26,000 best breathes!

There is a good way to breathe. There is a best way to breathe optimally for health.

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Jac Vidgen was featured in many TV news features, here and abroad…

Jac Vidgen on Star TV Asia

Jac Vidgen discusses breathing in ANC ABS News Channel

Cory Quirino interviewed Jac Vidgen on her Studio 23 show “Life Without Borders”

Jac Vidgen, Senior Buteyko Practioner trained thousands of students in the Philippines, HK, Australia and Thailand with the Optimal Way to Breathe. Some of his students affectionately referred to him as the Breathe Nazi because of his strictness and effectiveness.

My own transformation to improve my quality of life was a result of Breathing Optimally and Using Food as My Medicine.

Here was my journey in pictures. I lost 53 pounds in 5 months. I transformed from couch potato to a marathon finisher in 103 days. I stopped using my CPAP machine 8 hours a day and breathed optimally.

With Food as my Medicine (Cohen), I lost 53 pounds in 5 months from Sep 2014 to Feb 2015.

This was my ZYXW certificate of transformation…

The combination of losing 53 pounds and breathing optimally, plus consistent ZYX training, enabled me to transform from walker to marathon finisher in just 103 days…

Me (Captain America mindset) finishing my first marathon in 103 days!

After my 8th marathon at the National Geographic’s Earth Day, I had a Cohen photoshoot to document my journey to optimum health. This picture was even posted in Cohen Singapore’s website!