web analytics

Objective and Coverage: Design and conduct a targeted Facebook campaign for a company, product, brand or advocacy

The Facebook page can be an existing page or something that you can set-up from scratch.

You will then get to use as much as P500 per group member to promote the page over a 1 week period to get the most impressions, likes, shares, and comments. the P500 is a max per group member and there is no minimum spend as far as the class goes. (There is a  minimum spend allowed by Facebook  but this changes from time to time. The amount is definitely less than P500). 

Note: There were 1 instance in the past that a student incorrectly indicated a 500 dollar amount instead of a 500 peso amount. Be very careful in reviewing the limit and currency you input on Facebook for  your campaign.  Whenever possible, please  use a debit type of credit cards (like Paymaya or Gcash) where you have a fixed amount during the campaign so that there is no risk going over your planned spend. If you put a credit card with a large credit limit, there may be risks.

If you choose an existing page, you must establish the starting point (how many likes does it have and what is the activity before the campaign and how many does it have after the campaign.

The results shall first be summarized in a powerpoint presentation, which will then be transformed to a video that has to be uploaded to youtube.

In case one group member has difficulty working within a group due to technical, geographic or other considerations, that group member is allowed to submit the Facebook marketing exercise as an individual while the other members can still work as a group. This is a totally acceptable option as far as I am concerned and does not have an effect on the grade.

Method: GroupWork or Individual Work. Powerpoint Presentation. Upload Powerpoint on slideshare. Transform to  a 20 minute (max) Video and Upload on Youtube. 

Additional details and formats will be discussed in class. 

Pls. post the url of the powerpoint presentation (on slideshare) and video (on youtube) of your Facebook Marketing Case Studies as comments below…

It is also good practice to refer to the previous class submissions as reference. They may not exactly represent the current requirements, but they do showcase how a Facebook campaign video report can look.