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Month: April 2012

It’s Easier with Templates

Templates help simplify student work by taking out the hassle in formatting, allowing the student to focus on content.Templates also demonstrate key concepts which may be required in class.Nice to have when its available, but should not be an issue if it isn't.Here's a general template for Hypermarketing2 classes of Vcoach Bong De Ungria which students can download from slideshare. Just click on the file and look for the download tab somewhere...Downloadable Template for the hypermarketing2 assignments View more PowerPoint from Remigio Joseph DeUngria Considering creating your blog? It's easy.

Inception 4D: Bringing Ideas to Life

Great writers can sum profound realities in a few words... "Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo "If you can conceive it, then you can achieve it..." - Napoleon Hill But say essentially the same ideas in 4 dimensions: 1 text, 2 sound, 3 visual and 4 a moving, memorable storyline, it becomes really powerful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy09m76bvBgThe author/designer of this video claims it took him 50 hours to create this 1 min kinetic typograhy but I say it was worth it... There is