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Digital technology has truly disrupted the marketplace. And it has affected not only the customers but even the companies as well.

Sometimes, the razzle and dazzle of digital, the bells and whistles of technology, make compaies lose sight of what is a basic task of marketing: connecting with customers.

In this 2015 youtube video, an expert from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions talks about how companies can drop the ball and forget about the customer , because they have put their attention and hopes to digital…

We need to be aware of and consciously shape the customer journey… There are 4 requirements as discussed in the video…

The talk gives several cutting edge cases of how some companies like L’Oreal have used this digital data and technology make their customer journey superior vs. that of competitors.

Think disruption, digital but never forget the customer journey. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Basics still apply…

But marketing is not limited to looking outside the company. Marketing must also take the disruptive effects of digital and synchronize with the other internal departments. More than ever, marketing must be able to drive the way data is collected, used and protected vs. external and internal conerns…

Often customers dont know what they want until they see it. Marketers who want to gain that competitive advantage in this digitally disrupted age must be able to stay a couple of steps ahead of their customers to be able to shape and guide the customer’s journey towards the brand that will convert the awareness to sales.

With correct combination of digital and traditional marketing, this is possible.