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Steve Jobs has been unofficially proclaimed by many business experts as 1 of the best presentors in this tech-savy age.

In the video, here is what I got as tips for my next board presentation…
1. Set the theme
2. Outline
3. Demonstrate enthusiasm
4. Wow your audience
5. Sell an experience
6. Make numbers meaningful; use analogies
7. Paint a picture; Make it visual
8. Give a show
9. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! This is the updated version of “Convince like Steve”. 

Here’s another view of the 8 Secrets of Steve

  1. Tight Theme
  2. Stunnning Stories
  3. Simple Stats
  4. Incredible Images
  5. Tiny Text
  6. Super Smile
  7. Magic Moments
  8. Moving, Not Losing


More on Steve and Story Selling here…