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Will Ferrell, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have a few things in common: male, fame, wealth, college drop-outs and commencement speakers to Harvard (Will and Bill) and Stanford (Steve) How did they perform? More importantly what can we learn from them?

What type of communicator are you now? Are you a Steve, Bill or Will?

What type of communicator do you want to be? Steve, Bill or Will? Why?

Steve Jobs. The Story Seller. 6.3M views since March 2017. 14 minutes.
Bill Gates. The Businessman. 1.1 M views since Dec 2018. 26 minutes
Will Ferrell. The Comedian. 50k views since Jan 2019. 25 minutes
Steve Jobs in the original Stanford video. Released Mar 2008. 34 Million views. What’s the difference vs. all other videos?

For more info on Steve and StorySelling…